quarta-feira, 24 de julho de 2013

Tetrabiblos - Tradução e estudos 4 - biblioteca do projeto

"Este novo lugar de fantasmas deixou de ser a noite, o sono da razão, o vazio incerto e escancarado perante o desejo: é, pelo contrário, a vigília, a atenção contínua, o zelo erudito, a atenção sempre vigilante. O quimérico nasce agora da superfície negra e branca dos sinais impressos [...]. É um fenômeno de biblioteca." 

Michel Foucault, A biblioteca fantástica

Este trabalho começou com nossas respectivas bibliotecas particulares, mas, com o apoio da UFF e do CNPq (já falamos sobre isso aqui), conseguimos adquirir uma respeitosa bibliografia sobre o assunto. Para quem se interessar, ei-la:

ABRY, J. H. La Poésie Astrologique dans l´Antiquité: actes du coloque

ALAN C. B.; WILDBERG, C. New perspectives on Aristotle’s De caelo. Brill, 2009.

ARATUS. Phaenomena. Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

AUJAC, G. Claude Ptolémée: astronome, astrologue, géographe: connaissance et représentation du monde habité. Paris: CTHS, 1993.

BOUCHÉ-LECLERCQ, A. L’astrologie grecque. Paris: Scientia Verlag Aalen, 1979 [1899].

BUGH, G. R. The Cambridge companion to the hellenistic world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

COPENHAVER, B. Hermetica: The greek corpus hermeticum and the latin Asclepius in a new english translation, with notes and introduction.

CRAMER, F. H. Astrology in roman law and politics. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1959.

DODDS, E. R. Pagan and christian in an age of anxiety. New York: W.W. Norton, 1970.

DOROTHEUS. Carmen astrologicum. Tradução de David Pingree. Londres: Ascella Publications, 1993.

EDELSTEIN; KIDD (Eds.) Posidonius. Volume 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989

ERATOSTENES. Le ciel mythes et histoire des constellations. Paris: Nil Editions, 1998.

EVANS, J. The history and practice of ancient astronomy. Oxford University Press, 1998.

FIRMICUS MATERNUS, J. Matheseos, Libri VIII. Tradução de Jean Rhys Bram. NJ: Noyes Press, 1975.

FOMENKO, A. T. et al. History: Fiction or science? Astronomical methods as applied to chronology. Ptolemy's Almagest. Chronology III. Delamere Resources LLC, 2007.

GARDNER, F. Leigh. Bibliotheca astrologica. A catalog. Hollywood, 1997.

GRANT, E. (Org.). A source book in medieval science. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974.

HARRIS, R. B. Neoplatonism and contemporary thought.

HOFFMAN, J. (Ed.) Porphyry's against the christians: The literary remains. New York: Prometheus Books, 1994.

HOLDEN, J. H. Rethorius the Egyptian. AFA, 2009.

_____. Porphiry the Philosopher. AFA, 2010.

HYGIN. L´Astronomie. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1983.

LEHMAN, J. L. Classical astrology for modern living: From Ptolemy to psychology & back again. Whitford Press, 2000.

LINDBERG, D. The beginnings of Western science: the European scientific tradition in philosophical, religious and institutional context, prehistory to A.D. 1450. University or Chicago Press, 2007.

MACROBIUS. Commentary on the dream of Scipio. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952.

MARCHETTI, A. Macrobe: commentaire au songe de scipion. Vols I e II. Paris: Belles Lettres, 2001.

MEAD, G. Ptolemy's gnosticism – Pamphlet.

MUELLER, K. Settlements of the Ptolemies: City foundations and new settlement in the hellenistic world (Studia Hellenistica)

NEWTON, R. The crime of Claudius Ptolemy. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977.

NOEGEL, S. B.; WALKER, J. T.; WHEELER, B. M. Prayer, magic, and the stars in the ancient and late antique world. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania University Press, 2003.

NORTH, J. The fontana history of astronomy and cosmology (fontana history of science), 1994.

PAPACONSTANTINOU, A. (Ed.). The multilingual experience in Egypt, from the Ptolemies to the Abbasids. Ashgate, 2010.

PHILO. On providence. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard: Harvard University Press, 1929-1962.

PROCLO. Commentaire sur le Parmenide de Platon. Livro II.

___. Elements of theology Ed. E. R. Dodds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1963.

___. Theologie platonicienne. Vol. 1. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2003 [1968-1978].

PTOLOMEU. Tetrabiblos. Tradução de J. M. Ashmand. Astrology Classics, 2002.

___. Tetrabiblos. Tradução de F. E. Robbins. Harvard, 2001 (Loeb Classical Library).

___. Ptolemy’s Geography. An annotated translation of the theoretical chapters. Tradução de Alexander Jones e J. Lennart Berggren. Princeton University Press, 2001.

___. Ptolemy Harmonics. Tradução e comentários de J. Solomon (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum). Brill Academic Publishers, 1999.

___. Ptolemy’s Almagest. Tradução de Gerald. J. Toomer. Princeton University Press, 1998.

RUDOLF, K. Gnosis: The nature and history of gnosticism. Tr. Robert McLachlan Wilson. San Francisco, CA: Harper San Francisco, 1987.

SARTON, G. Ancient science and modern civilization. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1954.

SCHOFIELD, M. The Cambridge history of hellenistic philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

SEPHARIAL. Ptolemy's astrological practice and method. Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2006.

SEXTO EMPÍRICO. Against the professors. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard: Harvard University Press, 1949.

SHAW, G. Theurgy and the soul: The neoplatonism of Iamblichus. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995.

SIORVANES, L. Proclus: Neo-platonic philosophy and science. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997.

STRUCK, P.; JOHNSTON, S. I. Mantike: Studies in ancient divination, 2005.

TAUB, Liba. Ancient metheorology (sciences of antiquity). Routledge, 2003.

THORNDIKE, L. History of magic and experimental science, 8 vols. Columbia University Press, 1958.

ULANSEY, D. The origins of the mithraic mysteries: Cosmology and salvation in the ancient world. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.

VETTIUS VALENS. Anthologies. Tradução de Joëlle-Frédérique Bara. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1989.

VOLK, Katharina. Manilius and his intellectual background. Oxford University Press, 2009.

WARDY, R. The chain of change: a study on Aristotle’s Physics VII. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

WATERLOW, S. Nature, change and agency in Aristotle's physics, 2005.

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